Wednesday 14 June 2017

3 Things User Experience is Not

 User experience is one of the “hot words” today that businesses are becoming increasingly focused on. There isn’t an official definition for user experience, however, and people often confused user experience with other terms. Below are 3 things user experience is not.

User experience is not user interface
User experience design and user interface design often goes hand in hand. However, these two words should definitely not be confused with each other. While user experience designers figure out the flow of how a customer would use their product, user interface designers try to establish an emotional connection with the customers. In another words, UX designers get the users to their end goal of using a certain product in the simplest way possible, while UI designers add the finishing touches to make the users feel good about a certain product. Sometimes, people put user interface as part of user experience since user experience can also be defined as all the aspects in which a user interact with a certain product.

User experience is not usability
Usability is something user experience designers have to keep in mind in the process of their work. Usability is the effectiveness and efficiency in which users achieve a certain goal or goals in the process of their interaction with the product. However, whether a user was able to use the product to achieve certain ends is different from whether or not he or she is satisfied with the product. That is where user experience comes in.

User experience is not customer experience
User experience is product specific, while customer experience extends to the brand and to the whole company. As an example, a customer may be satisfied with a certain product he or she got from the store, but may be unhappy with the store due to bad customer services, long lines, etc. Needless to say, both are important to a company’s success.


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